Block, Unblock, and View Blocked Accounts on Instagram: A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Blocked People on Instagram in 2023
Ever felt the frustration of not knowing if someone has blocked you on Instagram? It’s a common problem that can leave you feeling left in the dark. But don’t worry, we’ve got the solution. In this guide, we’ll show you how to find blocked users on Instagram, view blocked accounts, and even unblock someone if you need to. It’s all about taking control of your Instagram experience in 2023.
Understanding Instagram’s Blocking Feature
Instagram, a popular social media platform, has a feature that allows users to block other accounts. This feature is designed to enhance the Instagram experience by giving users control over who can interact with them. But what exactly happens when you block someone on Instagram?
What happens when someone blocks you on Instagram?
When someone blocks you on Instagram, they essentially disappear from your Instagram view. You won’t be able to see their posts, stories, or profile. You also won’t be able to find them using the search bar. It’s as if their Instagram account has vanished from your perspective.
Differences between a blocked account and a private account
It’s important to note that a blocked account and a private account are not the same. When an account is private, you need to send a follow request to see their posts. However, when an account has blocked you, you won’t be able to see any of their activity, even if you search for their account directly.
As an avid Instagram user, I’ve found the blocking feature to be quite useful when dealing with unwanted interactions. For instance, I once had to block a user who was continuously spamming my posts with irrelevant comments. The process was straightforward, and I was able to do it directly from their profile.
How to Find Your List of Blocked People on Instagram
Finding your list of blocked accounts on Instagram is a simple process that can be done directly from the Instagram. Here’s how:
Opening the Instagram app
The first step is to open the Instagram app on your device. This is where all your interactions on social media take place.
Navigating to your profile page
Once the app is open, go to your profile page. This is where you can view your posts, followers, and the people you are following. It’s also where you can access your Instagram settings.
Accessing the settings menu
From your Instagram profile, you’ll need to access the settings menu. This is typically represented by a gear icon or three horizontal lines, depending on the version of the app you’re using.
Entering the privacy settings
Within the settings menu, you’ll find the privacy settings. This is where Instagram allows you to control who can see your content, who can interact with you, and who you have blocked.
Accessing the list of blocked accounts
Finally, within the privacy settings, you’ll find the list of blocked accounts. Here, you can find the list of all the users you have blocked on Instagram.
According to a report by Sprout Social, almost every Instagram user uses it alongside other platforms. Only 0.1% of Instagram users are unique to the platform. A large number of users use it alongside other social media such as Facebook (82.9%), YouTube (75.5%), and TikTok (52.2%).
Remember, Instagram is a platform for positive and meaningful interactions. So, use the blocking feature wisely to enhance your experience on the app.
Accessing Instagram’s Block List: View Blocked Accounts
Ever found yourself in a situation where you’ve blocked someone on Instagram and later wanted to unblock them, but couldn’t remember their username? Or perhaps you’re just curious to see who you’ve blocked over the years. Whatever the case, accessing your block list on Instagram is a straightforward process.
You might be thinking, “I’ve blocked these people for a reason, why would I want to see the list?” Well, sometimes, we block people in the heat of the moment and later want to mend fences. Other times, we might block spam or bot accounts that have since been removed from Instagram. In these cases, cleaning up your block list can be a good idea.
But how do you access this elusive Instagram block list? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Just follow these steps and you’ll have the list in no time.
Find the Block List on Instagram
- Open the Instagram App: Locate Instagram on your device. It’s usually represented by a colorful camera icon. Tap on it to open.
- Navigate to Your Profile: Once the app is open, locate the small person icon in the bottom right corner of the app. Tap on it to go to your Instagram profile page. This page is the hub for all your Instagram settings.
- Access the Settings Menu: On your profile page, look for three horizontal lines in the top right corner. Tap on these lines to open a sidebar menu with various options. In this menu, find and tap on the “Settings” option.
- Enter the Privacy Settings: In the settings menu, you’ll see a list of different options. Don’t be overwhelmed! Look for the “Privacy” option and tap on it to access your privacy settings.
- Access the Blocked Accounts List: In the privacy settings, you’ll find an option labeled “Blocked Accounts.” Tap on it, and there you have it! You’re now viewing your list of blocked accounts on Instagram.
- Unblock an Account (Optional): These are the accounts you’ve chosen to block for various reasons. If you wish to unblock an account, you can do so by tapping on their name and selecting “Unblock.”
Remember, these steps are for managing your blocked accounts. You have the power to control your Instagram experience, so don’t hesitate to use these features when necessary.
Detailed Guide on Finding Blocked People on Instagram
Now that you know the steps, let’s break them down a bit more. This will help you understand exactly what you’re doing and why you’re doing it.
When you open the Instagram app, you’re typically taken to your feed. This is where you see all the latest posts from the people you follow. But to find your blocked list, you need to go to your profile. This is because your profile is where all your personal settings and options are located.
Your Instagram profile is like your personal hub on the app. It’s where you can view your posts, edit your bio, and change your settings. It’s also where you can find your blocked list.
Once you’re on your profile, you’ll see three horizontal lines in the top right corner. This is often referred to as the “hamburger menu” because, well, it kind of looks like a hamburger. Tapping this opens a sidebar with a bunch of different options. This is where you’ll find the “Settings” option.
The settings menu is where you can change all sorts of things about your Instagram experience. You can adjust your privacy settings, change your notification preferences, and even switch to dark mode. But for now, you’re interested in the “Privacy” option.
In the privacy settings, you’ll find all the options related to who can see your content and interact with you. This is also where the “Blocked Accounts” option is located. Tapping this will take you to your list of blocked accounts.
Remember, these are all the accounts you’ve blocked on Instagram. If you want to unblock someone, you can do so by tapping on their name and selecting “Unblock.” This will remove them from your blocked list and allow them to see your posts and interact with you again.
And there you have it! You now know how to find your blocked list on Instagram and unblock someone if you choose to. Remember, blocking is a tool for your comfort and safety on the platform. Don’t be afraid to use it when necessary, but also know that it’s not permanent if you change your mind.
Unblocking an Instagram Account
Unblocking someone on Instagram is a straightforward process. Whether you’ve blocked someone by mistake or you’ve had a change of heart, Instagram makes it easy to reconnect. Let’s walk through the steps together.
Selecting an Account from the Blocked List
The first step in unblocking someone is to access your blocked list on Instagram. This list contains all the accounts you’ve decided to block. To find this list, you’ll need to navigate to your profile by tapping the little person icon at the bottom right corner of your screen. From there, tap the three horizontal lines in the top right corner to open a sidebar menu. In this menu, you’ll find the “Settings” option. Tap on it to enter the settings menu.
In the settings menu, you’ll see a variety of options. Look for the “Privacy” option and tap on it. This will take you to the privacy settings. Here, you’ll find an option labeled “Blocked Accounts.” Tap on it to see your list of blocked accounts.
Visiting the Blocked Account’s Profile
Once you’re viewing your blocked list, you can select any account you wish to unblock. Simply tap on the account’s name to visit their profile. This will take you to the blocked account’s profile page.
The Process of Unblocking the Account
On the blocked account’s profile page, you’ll see a blue “Unblock” button at the top. Tap on this button to initiate the unblocking process. A confirmation message will pop up, asking if you’re sure you want to unblock this user. Confirm your decision, and voila! You’ve successfully unblocked the user.
Remember, unblocking someone will allow them to see your posts and stories again, and they’ll be able to contact you through direct messages. If you ever need to block them again, you can follow these steps in reverse.
Here’s a personal experience to illustrate this process. There was a time when I accidentally blocked a friend on Instagram. I was initially confused about how to unblock them, but I quickly found the list of blocked accounts in my settings. From there, I was able to unblock my friend and restore our Instagram interactions. It was a learning experience that showed me how user-friendly Instagram’s privacy settings can be.
Remember, Instagram is a social media platform designed to foster positive interactions. Use these privacy features wisely to curate your online experience.
Confirming if You’ve Been Blocked on Instagram by Someone
Instagram, with over two billion monthly users, has become a significant part of our social lives. But sometimes, social interactions can get a bit complicated, especially when it comes to figuring out if someone has blocked you on Instagram. Here’s how you can confirm it.
Observing the Account’s Activity
One of the first things you can do is observe the account’s activity. If you notice that the person’s posts have suddenly disappeared from your feed or their profile appears to be empty, this could be a sign that they’ve blocked you. However, keep in mind that this could also mean that they’ve simply deactivated their account or set it to private.
Searching for the Account
Another method is to use the search bar to look for the Instagram account in question. If you can’t find the account when you search for it, it’s possible that you’ve been blocked. However, this could also mean that the person has changed their username or deleted their account.
Using Old Comments or DMs to Access Their Profile
If you’ve previously exchanged comments or DMs with the person, you can try to access their profile through these old interactions. If you’re unable to do so, it’s likely that you’ve been blocked.
Visiting Their Instagram Profile on the Web
You can also try visiting their Instagram profile on the web. If you’re unable to view their profile page on the web while logged into your account, but can view it when logged out or using a different account, it’s likely that you’ve been blocked.
Attempting to Follow the Account
Another method is to attempt to follow the account. If you’re unable to follow the account or your follow requests are never accepted, this could be a sign that you’ve been blocked.
Checking for Their Likes and Comments on Other Posts
Finally, you can check for their likes and comments on other posts. If you can’t see any recent activity from them on posts by mutual friends or accounts that you both follow, this could be a sign that you’ve been blocked.
According to a report by Business of Apps, Instagram generated an estimated $51.4 billion revenue in 2022, accounting for almost 45% of Facebook’s total revenue. With such a vast user base, it’s no surprise that navigating social interactions on the platform can sometimes be tricky.
Remember, these methods aren’t foolproof, and there could be other explanations for the behaviors described above. However, they can give you a good starting point in figuring out if someone has blocked you on Instagram.
Finding Blocked Accounts on Instagram on PC
Instagram, with its two billion monthly users, has become a significant part of our social lives. But sometimes, social interactions can get a bit complicated, especially when it comes to figuring out if someone has blocked you on Instagram. Here’s how you can find blocked accounts on Instagram using your PC.
How to See Blocked Accounts on Instagram Using a PC
To see blocked accounts on Instagram using a PC, you need to follow a few simple steps. First, open your Instagram account on your PC. Click on your profile photo and then on ‘Profile’. On your profile page, you’ll see a small gear icon on the right side. Click on it and then click on ‘Privacy and Security’. Scroll down and click on ‘View Account Data’. Here, you’ll see a section titled ‘Account You Blocked’. Click on ‘See All’ to view all the accounts you’ve blocked.
According to the 2023 Instagram Trend Report, Instagram is a data-driven guide to cultural and social trends as defined by Gen Z. The report covers topics like fashion, beauty, web3, dating, and more. At the heart of it all is community and connection. This shows the importance of understanding how to navigate social interactions on the platform.
Instagram, a popular social media platform that allows users to share photos and stories, has become a vital part of our digital lives in 2023. It provides tools to help users manage their interactions, including the ability to block or unblock someone. If you’ve ever accidentally blocked someone or decided you want to see their posts and stories again, knowing how to unblock someone is essential.
To find blocked users on Instagram, you need to check your blocked accounts list. This list contains all the specific accounts you’ve decided to block for various reasons. If you want to unblock an account, you can do so by tapping the “unblock” button next to their name. However, if a user has blocked you, they will also need to unblock you first before you can see their posts and stories again.
There might be several reasons why you might block someone on Instagram. Perhaps you don’t want to see their posts, or you’ve had a disagreement. Regardless of the reason, Instagram allows you to block and unblock users as you see fit.
Remember, if you’ve blocked someone on Instagram, they won’t be able to find your profile or see your posts and stories. If you decide to unblock them, you’ll be able to view their profile and posts again, and they’ll be able to find your profile.
Whether you need to block new accounts or unblock users you’ve previously blocked, Instagram provides the tools necessary to manage your digital interactions. If you ever need assistance or have questions, don’t hesitate to let us know.
In conclusion, Instagram is a powerful tool for connection and communication. However, understanding its features, such as how to find blocked users, view blocked accounts, and unblock someone, is crucial for a smooth social media experience. With this guide, you’re now equipped with the knowledge to navigate these situations with ease. So, go ahead and take control of your Instagram interactions, and enjoy a stress-free social media experience in 2023.
What happens when you block someone on Instagram?
When you block someone on Instagram, they won’t be able to see your profile, posts, and stories on the platform. The user won’t get notified that you’ve blocked them, but they may notice that they can no longer find your account and view your content.
How do I block someone on Instagram?
To block someone on Instagram, go to their profile and tap on the three dots in the upper right corner. Select “Block” from the options, and confirm the action. You can also block multiple accounts at once by going to your settings and selecting “Blocked Accounts.”
How do I unblock someone on Instagram?
To unblock someone on Instagram, go to your settings and select “Blocked Accounts.” Find the account you want to unblock from the list and tap on it. Then, select “Unblock” and confirm the action. Once unblocked, you’ll be able to see their profile, posts, and stories again.
Can I see the list of blocked accounts on Instagram?
Yes, you can see the list of accounts that you’ve previously blocked on Instagram. Go to your settings and select “Blocked Accounts.” You’ll see a list of all the accounts you’ve blocked, and you can unblock them if you wish.
What should I do if I’ve also been blocked by someone on Instagram?
If someone has also blocked you on Instagram, you’ll no longer be able to see their profile, posts, and stories. There’s no way to know if you’ve been blocked, but you can try searching for their account in the search results or seeing their profile from a different account.
Do blocked users on Instagram still count as followers?
No, when you block someone on Instagram, they’re no longer counted as your followers. The same goes for when someone blocks you – you’ll no longer be able to count them as your followers.
How does blocking and unblocking someone affects my Instagram experience?
When you block someone on Instagram, you won’t see their profile, posts, and stories, and they won’t see yours either. The same goes for when someone blocks you. Unblocking someone will allow you to see their profile, posts, and stories again, and they’ll be able to see yours as well.
Author Bio

Val Razo
Val Razo is an Instagram Marketing expert, specializing in social media marketing consulting for small and medium-sized businesses. With over five years of experience, Val has a proven track record of helping businesses achieve growth and success.